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Khushboo Sangwan

8 habits 8 weeks | part 2 | feeding your brain

Part 2 | Feeding Your Brain The Right Way

Feeding your brain is like curating a buffet of content. 🍽️ Just as we choose between nutritious meals and fast food, our digital diet impacts our mental health and growth. 🧠💪 Dive into the analogy here as we explore the buffet of educational nourishment and the fast food of mindless entertainment. 📚🎬 #feedingyourBrain

8 habits 8 weeks Part 1 Embracing boredom

Part 1 | Embracing Boredom To Enhance Your Hidden Creativity

💭 Embrace Boredom: Unlock Your Creative Potential 💭

Ever feel like boredom is your constant companion? Well, what if I told you it’s not all that bad? 🤔

In those moments of stillness, when time seems to slow down and the world fades away, that’s where the magic happens. ✨ Embrace the quiet, let your mind wander, and watch as new ideas bloom from the depths of your imagination.

It’s in these moments of boredom that creativity thrives, where innovative solutions are born, and where your truest self emerges. So, next time you find yourself with nothing to do, don’t fight it—embrace it. 🌟 #embraceboredom

5 types of toxic people that you need to avoid

5 Types of Toxic People to Avoid Immediately

There are certain personalities that exude toxicity, bringing nothing but distress and negativity into your life, much like those poisonous plants we mentioned earlier.

Welcome to our exploration of five types of such toxic individuals you need to avoid for your own peace and emotional well-being.

55 Glow up challenge an alternative to 75 hard

5 New Rules for a Glow Up in 2024

I invite you to join me on the 55 glow up challenge, a more realistic alternative to 75 hard. With my essential rules, you can elevate your life without being too harsh on yourself. This journey is all about achievable and sustainable self-improvement.

3 tips to romanticize your life

3 Important Tips to Romanticize Your Life

Life is a beautiful adventure, and even the simplest moments can be filled with joy and wonder. In this blog post, we will explore three tips to help you infuse romance into your daily life, turning mundane tasks into magical experiences. By embracing these tips, you’ll find that even the most boring tasks become delightful opportunities for joy and fulfillment.

5 ways to self care. Here's how to start

5 Ways To Self Care. Here’s How To Start…

Welcome to 2024! Let’s talk about self-care, something we tend to forget while starting a new year. My blog dives into how we can take better care of ourselves this year. Together, we’ll explore five important ways to make sure we don’t ignore our well-being.

Are you ready to make this year all about self-care and feeling awesome? Let’s learn and grow together on this journey to a happier and healthier year ahead!